Sandbox is a multipurpose HTML5 template with various layouts which will be a great solution for your business.

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Delivering Technology services for HR AI tech startup

Our customer is empowering the world’s workforce with AI-driven skills intelligence.Using responsible artificial intelligence (AI), our customer’s platform is redefining how employers connect the right employees for the right roles.

Deployed Application in under 2 months

Created brand new framework in a short span of time

Empowerment of Marketing Efforts

Rapid Development and Integration


Generative AI

Tech Stack/Tools

Large Language Model (LLM), OpenAI, Full Stack Web Development (MERN)

Team size



Our customer wanted to build a marketing application that works with the core product and that too with a quick turn around time for a conference. The challenge was not only in learning the product/ tech stack, but also to learn about the deployment infrastructure.


We enabled a tiger team that worked with the customer team to create a framework for marketing application. We developed the application in parallel as new products were being added to the product. Our deployment strategy was well aligned with the current framework of the customer.


We were able to develop the marketing application within 2 months, thus enabling the marketing team to take it to the conference. This also created a framework that the marketing team can continuously innovate while the features were being developed in the main product.


Marketing and sales teams are always looking for products/ tools that can accelerate customer buying decisions. The product team is focussed on delivering the best product offering. Here, Appglide technology solutions can act as enablers to bridge the technology for sales and marketing use cases.